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New Jersey Uniform Commercial Code focuses on the New Jersey statutory variation of and case law on the UCC and seeks to explain the UCC as adopted and applied by New Jersey courts and practitioners. The Uniform Commercial Code ("UCC"), sometimes dubbed "the law of the marketplace", governs a wide spectrum of commercial transaction law. It is essentially a playbook for vendors and others involved in commercial transactions, designed to simplify, clarify and modernize the law governing commercial practices while striving for uniformity across jurisdictions. The Code has been rightly applauded for contributing to the codification and uniformity of commercial law.
Division Name | New Jersey Law Journal |
Volumes | 1 |
Product Types | Books |
Brand | New Jersey Law Journal |
Publication Date | October 30, 2017 |
Jurisdiction | New Jersey |
ISBN | 978-1-62881-382-1 |
Page Count | 608 |
Edition | 2018 |
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New Jersey Uniform Commercial Code 2018, PDF | 240.7 KB | Download |
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