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Reinsurance Law: An Analytic Approach book covers all aspects of the field, large and small, from the varieties and uses of reinsurance to complex matters of law, markets, and regulation.
For lawyers and insurance professionals, understanding the special vocabulary and methods of reinsurance law is essential. Reinsurance Law: An Analytic Approach covers all aspects of the field, large and small, from the varieties and uses of reinsurance to complex matters of law, markets and regulation.
Topics covered include: types of reinsurance contracts (facultative, treaty, proportional, non-proportional, and others); property and casualty reinsurance; life and health reinsurance; the convergence of reinsurance and finance; U.S. and overseas reinsurance markets; the role and liability of reinsurance brokers; common provisions in reinsurance contracts; reporting requirements; claims of privilege; grounds for disputing coverage; allocation of claims, including the follow-the-fortunes doctrine; rescission; managing general agents, managing general underwriters and pools; litigation; and insolvency of the insurer or reinsurer.
This unique guide features detailed discussion of the drafting and documentation of reinsurance contracts, a step-by-step guide to arbitration, and other useful resources for practitioners.
Book #00701; looseleaf, one volume, approximately 462 pages; published in 2009, updated as needed; no additional charge for updates during your subscription. Looseleaf print subscribers receive supplements. The online edition is updated automatically. ISBN: 978-1-58852-163-7
A combo subscription for the year includes 1 single user online subscription, and 1 copy of all print releases during that year.
SKU | 701ONL |
Division Name | LJP |
Volumes | 1 |
Product Types | Books |
Brand | LJP |
Jurisdiction | National |
ISBN | 978-1-58852-163-7 |
Page Count | 0 |
Edition | 0 |
Icon | Label | Description | Type | Size | Download |
ljp_700-Reinsurance | 92.3 KB | Download |
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