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Covers legal issues that arise in litigating homeowners’ & condominium association lawsuits, providing a set of practical tools that may be used to approach community association disputes.
Attorneys that practice community association law regularly prosecute and defend against claims that sound in the law of contracts, real property, civil rights, and more. Each of these topics is discussed to provide the reader with a set of practical tools that may be used to approach community association disputes.
This book also discusses the motivations that underlie common community association disputes. Emotions run high when neighbors feud. The book places dry legal issues in their context, creating a framework for understanding the root cause of the legal dispute.
SKU | FHOA19 |
Division Name | Daily Business Review |
Volumes | 0 |
Product Types | Books |
Brand | Daily Business Review (FL) |
Publication Date | February 28, 2019 |
Jurisdiction | Florida |
ISBN | 978-1-62881-586-3 |
Page Count | 0 |
Icon | Label | Description | Type | Size | Download |
Pages from FL_Community_Association_Litigation_Fullbook | 464.6 KB | Download |
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