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This book explores the constantly-evolving medical malpractice law in Connecticut, serving as both an introduction for those new to medical malpractice law as well as a resource for those experienced in the practice.
“Joyce Lagnese, Calum Anderson and Frank Santoro have provided Connecticut attorneys with a remarkably complete and up-to-date analysis of our State's medical malpractice law. This thoroughly researched, well-balanced and comprehensive treatise needs to be in every lawyer's library if their practice area includes the complex and ever-changing law of medical malpractice.” —James D. Bartolini, Esq.
Newly revised and reorganized, Connecticut Medical Malpractice: A Manual of Practice and Procedure is the “go-to” legal reference handbook for all Connecticut medical malpractice litigators, both the defense and plaintiff's bar. Three well-known Hartford area attorneys, from the firm of Danaher, Lagnese & Sacco, P.C.. have thoroughly covered this key subject.
Topics include the standard of care; causation; damages; opinion letters; informed consent; statute of limitations; expert testimony; evidentiary and trial management issues; privileges and immunities; insurance issues; hospital liability; and disclosure of patient information
New Sections in this edition include
Also included is discussion of recent case law regarding opinion letter requirements, whether a case constitutes medical malpractice, plus immunity during public health or civil preparedness emergency
Division Name | Connecticut Law Tribune |
Volumes | 1 |
Product Types | Books |
Brand | The Connecticut Law Tribune |
Publication Date | July 28, 2023 |
Jurisdiction | Connecticut |
ISBN | 978-1-58852-729-5 |
Page Count | 454 |
Edition | 7 |
Icon | Label | Description | Type | Size | Download |
Connecticut Medical Malpractice 2024, PDF | Connecticut Medical Malpractice 2024, PDF | 254.6 KB | Download |
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